Image Transformation Parameters

Width | w

The width of the resulting picture is denoted as w. (w_400)

Height | h

The height of the resulting picture is denoted as h. (h_300)

Coordinates | x,y

The coordinates of image. For example, for an 800x600 image x's value must be between 0 and 800. (x_250, y_128)

Quality | q

The quality of resulting image is denoted as q. It's value can be between 0 and 100 (default 90). In cases q is not 100 It states lossy compression for jpg and webp. And states compression rate for png. (no loss) Can be decreased to produce more economic images. (q_75)

Format | f

The format of the resulting image is denoted in f. Format must be one of the following:

  • png
  • jpeg
  • webp
  • auto

(f_jpg, f_jpeg, f_png, f_webp, f_auto)

If none or different formats are entered, it defaults to the original image's format.

Effect | e

Sharpen and blur effects can be applied e_sharpen or e_blur parameters. Also value be given with parameters like e_sharpen:300 or e_blur:300.



sharpen and blur are accepted between 100 and 1000. The values that are smaller than 100 are accepted as 100 and larger than 1000 are accepted as 1000.

Option | o

Extra options can be added to image. First of them is image SEO option. Image SEO can be added with using o_seo


Original image is hummingbird.jpeg, and it is stored in the folder demo-images/. When used o_seo image name at storage is not changed. Only two things are changed. Dynamic URL, and the visible image name (it became bird-nature-photography.jpeg) at your website.